Why would anyone want to connect with their womb you might ask?
Read on to find out why I did, and the life changing impact it has had on my life.
Connecting with my womb is THE best thing I have ever done for my well being as it is a home-coming; it caused me to come home to my body, to stop looking outside of myself for things to make me happy and to create a delightful, cosy inner world instead - one that I can nestle into and don't need to avoid.
When my son was one I realised I had A LOT (and I mean, a lot! Can you relate?!) of unprocessed emotional junk inside of me and I did not want to pass all of this onto my son. I had heard that sycning up with your womb could be good for your life, so I thought, 'Well, that's free! So let me give it a try.'
I began keeping a journal; noting the day of my cycle (day 1 is the first day of your bleed for any newbies here), how I was feeling and the moon phase (the moon governs the waters on the planet; both inside and outside of our bodies - more on this in a later post). As I did this, I began to notice patterns between my emotional state and my cycle and I was eager to know more; I wanted to take it deeper. I read Yoni Shakti by Uma Dismore-Tuli, screaming, "YES!" on every page - I was hooked. I had the power to heal myself? I could make myself feel good? All the things that happen in womens could be looked upon as powers - not curses? All revelations to me. Now, four years later - I am a qaulified shamanic womb healer.
So, anyway, back to the point of this post - what is so great about connceting with your womb? SO MANY THINGS! So, I've narrowed it down to three main areas:
1 - the physical/biological level
2 - the individual's emotional level
3 - the collective womb consciousness level
Let's break these down...
The physical/biological level
On this foundational level it makes sense to live a life that is in tune with your body's actual biology. When you pay attention to what is happening inside you, resting whenever you need to and taking good care of yourself, you feel much more vital.
The individual's emotional level
The womb is a container, a cauldron for all the fellow witches out there. In this cauldron you can create balance; balance between the archetypes of maiden, mother, lover and crone, and elemental balance. When we don't tend to our womb spaces they become full of all the emotional junk and difficult memories or trauma we do not want to feel or think about. They become blocked. They can't be used as they are meant to be - as our battery; the source of our creativity. To cleanse and clear your womb space you need to be ready to feel all the stuff you have been avoiding, to face your shadows and your fears; as they live here, hiding in the depths of your womb. They are hiding behind a wall of shame and disgust that you may have been conditioned into feeling towards your womb. This wall is stopping you from accessing your true power and zest for life. Connecting with your womb through meditation, movement and sounding will help you build a relationship with your womb, nurture her and clear her of all the emotional junk that is blocking her - so that she can fulfill her creative, force of life function. Your womb is here to create, not to act as a bin for your emotional rubbish.
The collective womb consciousness
The womb contains the essence of true femininity (power, receptivity, creativity) and the collective womb has been stuffed full of shame, disgust and trauma meaning that the collective feminine energy is shrouded in negativity and not fulfilling it's divine feminine purpose. Our patriarchal world means that there is a lack of balance between masculine and feminine energies. When you heal your womb, you bring healing to your whole ancestral line - 7 generations forwards and backwards AND to the collecetive womb. Healing your own womb means balancing masculine and feminine energies within you, which helps to bring greater balance to the collective as well.
So, to sum up, connecting with your womb is one of the greatest services you can do for yourself, your family, the earth, humanity and all the creature and plant beings we share the earth with. Helping your daughters feel pride in having a womb so they can cultivate a positive relationship with their womb from day one is something I am passionate about too. Check out my upcoming book - Wren's Womb World and my YouTube channel for videos to help girls connect with their inner world.
What do you think? How do you feel about your womb? How does your womb feel today?
Big womb love, Andrea x