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All these take place in my treatment room in Kibworth.

To book please text or call me: 07871832709 or email:

Free Your Voice 1:1

Your voice holds your unique vibration and therefore, carries the deepest healing for you, specifcially. I will create a sacred space and guide you to listen to and trust your own body's wisdom, allowing you to make the sounds you most need to release emotions and trauma; and help yourself feel more balanced, harmonious and vibrant. When you begin to trust your body and make sounds intuitively, healing magic happens. This is for you if you are looking for a way to self heal - it is like giving yourself an internal massage using sound and vibration. It gets you out of your head and into your body, releases stuck emotions and you will be amazed at how much lighter and vital you feel afterwards.

Sliding scale: £44-66 (you choose)

Light Language Healing 1:1

Experience the profoundly healing vibrations of the shamanic drum and chanelled singing in soul language. The drum is the heartbeat of the earth and is powerfully grounding and healing. I will create a sacred space and call to your guides so that I can sing the sounds, notes, tones and vibrations that you most need to receive in that moment. It is a massage, but with sound and vibration, instead of physical touch. This is perfect for you if you need to relax and get out of your head. It also helps to ease pain; both physical and emotional. People often journey and see visions or recieve support during these sessions. 

Sliding scale: £44-66 (you choose)

Womb Massage, Connection and Healing

These sessions are tailored to whatever you need; incorportaing ways to live in tune with your womb, womb massage, sound healing, meditation, shamanic journey, cord releasing, energy work, miscarriage or hysterectomy ceremony and voice work. After a free consultation we will decide together what your womb needs the most.

Sliding scale: £44-66 (you choose)

Drumming for rites of passages:
Pregnancy, birth, marriage, illness and dying

Drumming during birth and any rite of passage is an ancient practice that helps the person connect to their body to help facilitate or celebrate the process. The drum can be deeply relaxing  or more energetic depending on the ceremony. The drum and my voice create a sacred space, allowing the divinity within these moments to be cherished.

 Get in touch for prices or to chat about what you need.

Menarche Ceremony

It is time for the entry into wombanhood to be celebrated and treasured, allowing girls to mark their first period with a sense of pride at being a woman. If you would like a bespoke ceremony for your daughter to celebrate her first moon time, get in touch with me. 

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